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网页访问十秒极限 - Ten second limit

According to usability guru Jakob Nielsen,
user satisfaction begins to seriously degrade
after 10 seconds of waiting.

Try to minimize the size of generated pages. For a slow connection
at 28.8-56K, this 10 second limit corresponds to a file size of about 34K.

Keep graphics to a minimum. Consider compressing (zipping) content as well.

One simple optimization is to remove unnecessary white space in generated html (去掉html中多余的空格):

  • it is easy to implement - 容易实现
  • it translates directly into reduced download times - 减少数据传输
  • it can produce significant savings in file size, typically in the range of 10-25% - 文件大小通常可以减少10-25%

Most of the gains from removing white space are related to indentation,
especially that occurring within loops. This indentation can be left in

place during development, and then removed after testing is complete.

Tags: Ten second limit

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