


'one 单个日志
Sub One_art(ID)
Dim RSn,row,Newarticle,LogID
Newarticle = "<table width=99% border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>"
        Set RSn=Server.CreateObject("Adodb.RecordSet")
        SQL="Select * FROM blog_Content AS L  where L.log_ID="&LogID&" orDER BY log_ID DESC"
        RSn.Open SQL,Conn,1,1
        If RSn.Eof And RSn.Bof Then
            Do While Not RSn.Eof
Newarticle = Newarticle & "<div class=""Content""><div class=""ContentTitle""><strong>"&RSn("log_Title")&"</strong></div>"
Newarticle = Newarticle & "<div class=""commentcontent"">     "&Left(RSn("log_Content"),21)&"...     "

              if row=10 then
                Exit do
              end if
        End If
        Set RSn=Nothing
Newarticle = Newarticle & "<a href=article.asp?id="&LogID&" target=_self><img src=images/temp/more.gif border=0 alt=more></a></div></div>"
response.write Newarticle
End sub

sub Newcate(Ord)
    dim CateOrd,NewcateStr,RS,CateID
    Set RS=Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Recordset")
    SQL="Select top 10 L.log_ID,L.log_Title,L.log_Content,L.log_PostTime,L.log_IsTop,C.cate_ID,C.cate_Name FROM blog_Content AS L,blog_Category AS C Where log_CateID=cate_ID AND cate_Order="&CateOrd&" order by log_IsTop Asc, log_ID desc"
    RS.Open SQL,CONN,1,1          
NewcateStr = "<div class=""Content NewContent""><div class=""Content-top""><div class=""ContentLeft""></div><div class=""ContentRight""></div><h1 class=""ContentTitle""><strong>"&RS("cate_Name")&"</strong></h1>"
NewcateStr = NewcateStr & "</div><div class=""NewBody""><table width=99% border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>"
    do while not RS.eof
NewcateStr = NewcateStr & "<tr><td class=""newline""><a  href=article.asp?id="& RS("log_ID") &" target=_self>"
        if RS("log_IsTop") = True then
NewcateStr = NewcateStr & "<img src=images/temp/top.gif border=0 alt=置顶标志 style=""padding-right:3px"">"
NewcateStr = NewcateStr & "♀ "
        end if
        if len(RS("log_Title"))>21 then
NewcateStr = NewcateStr & Left(RS("log_Title"),21) & "..."            
NewcateStr = NewcateStr &  RS("log_Title")
        end if
        if DateDiff("h",RS("log_PostTime"),Now)<24 then
NewcateStr = NewcateStr & ""
        end if
NewcateStr = NewcateStr & "</a></td><td class=""newline"" width=50>"&month(RS("log_PostTime"))&"月"&day(RS("log_PostTime"))&"月""</td></tr>"
    Set RS=nothing
NewcateStr = NewcateStr & "<tr><td></td><td><a href=default.asp?cateID="&CateID&" target=_self><img src=images/temp/more.gif border=0 alt=more></a></td></tr></table></div></div>"
    response.write NewcateStr
end sub

Sub New_art()
Dim RSn,row,Newarticle
Newarticle = "<table width=99% border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>"
        Set RSn=Server.CreateObject("Adodb.RecordSet")
        SQL="Select TOP 10 L.log_Weather,L.log_CateID,L.log_ID,L.log_Title,L.log_ViewNums,C.cate_Name FROM blog_Content AS L,blog_Category AS C where C.cate_ID=L.log_CateID orDER BY log_ViewNums DESC"
        RSn.Open SQL,Conn,1,1
        If RSn.Eof And RSn.Bof Then
            Do While Not RSn.Eof
Newarticle = Newarticle & "<tr><td class=""newline""><img src=images/weather/hn2_"&RSn("log_Weather")&".gif align=absmiddle>【<a href='default.asp?CateID="&RSn("log_CateID")&"'>"& RSn("cate_Name") &"</a>】<a target=_self href=""article.asp?id="&RSn("log_ID")&""">"&HTMLEncode(cutStr(RSn("log_Title"),21))&"</a></td><td class=""newline"" width=44>"& RSn("log_ViewNums") &"</td></tr>"
              if row=10 then
                Exit do
              end if
        End If
        Set RSn=Nothing
Newarticle = Newarticle & "<tr><td></td><td><a href=default.asp target=_self><img src=images/temp/more.gif border=0 alt=more></a></td></tr></table>"
response.write Newarticle
End sub

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